Guest Speaker 10: Jack Latham
Jack Latham is a freelance photographer, he talked us through his bodies of work and the theories behind them.
A lot of his work is based on algorithms and the social media/digital world. “Social media has caused everyone to act digitally”.
He said that photography can lead the narratives- in the media, they spoon-feed “fake news”, these narratives can be recontextualised through photobooks. He talked us through algorithms and how predictable human behaviour is. Because of this, his series “Latent Bloom” is a body of work that showed something that can’t read or move; flowers, so it’s unable to be part of an algorithm.
He talked us through the curation of images and covid, and how many artists/photographers are readapting their projects due to covid and curation of exhibitions has moved online. Digital exhibitions have become their own genre.
Even though his work is not necessarily my style or a subject that I would explore, I found it interesting how he talks about the digitisation of things and how he approaches these issues in his work.
Jack’s website:
Screenshot from Jack’s website