Guest Speaker 13- Sebah Chaudhry
Sebah is a creative producer, curator and events coordinator. She has worked on events for FORMAT festival. As we come closer to our final year exhibition, it’s time for us to start thinking about fundraising events and how to approach this, which is what Sebah was advising us on.
The main things we need to consider are:
Clear team roles- project manager, admin/marketing, finance, venue, schedule/timetable- regular communication with the team.
Public liability insurance
Event setup- technical requirements
Food/drinks licence
Music licence
Venue maximum capacity
Disabled access.
We also discussed different ways to fundraise for events, which will be our exhibition/final year catalogue/show. Different fundraisers can be print sales, print auctions and also how we would need a website specifically for selling prints. The different team roles would be discussed within the exhibition fundraising team.
The advice and information Sebah gave us were helpful for me as being one of the exhibition coordinators I needed tips on how to approach fundraising and events, which has helped to delegate tasks and know what is needed to make an event run smoothly.