Review of FORMAT online festival
Ahead of my interim solo exhibition, I decided to research different online exhibitions and different ways that artists exhibit their work.
FORMAT has done an online exhibition this year due to covid and not being able to physically go to events. Online exhibitions have become a new way of presenting work for creatives, as discussed by some of the guest speakers we had.
I found the navigation of the site quite confusing at first and it took me a while to work out how to get to the different displays and rooms. The work I picked out from each exhibition is in the images below. They are the ones that stood out to me the most in terms of display, images subject matter and installations.
The first exhibition is interesting in how it’s set up visually; there is an object included with the images- a chair with an old TV on which also plays a video of the photographer introducing his project which I think is a good addition to the work.
The second is Julia’s work which I have admired for a while as I found her on Instagram from her recent project (displayed at FORMAT). Her work is an interesting approach to the pandemic and gives it a cinematic feel using different windows and spaces to show the context.
The third is Lee-Ann Olwage whose work I hadn’t come across before but it relates to my own current project which also explores womanhood and anonymity through self-portraiture.
The work I looked through from this exhibition has helped me see the different ways that I can display my work using artsteps and how I can layout the images and considering scale, frames, and making use of the space.
FORMAT online exhibition:
“Pandemaniac” by Mitchel Moreno, Room 07.
“Black Swan”, Lee-Ann Olwage, Room 05.