Exhibition Committee: My Experience
This year, I decided to be a part of the exhibition committee which is raising money and organising the final year catalogue. There is a small group of us and we have been having regular meetings to make sure we are all up to date with what’s happening and any progress in fundraising, events and other admin things.
We made sure to get as many people involved as possible, and part of the catalogue. We had struggled to get people involved in fundraising ideas so it was up to us as the committee to take further charge of it.
In our first meeting, we had assigned roles in the group to make sure everything would get done in the limited time slot we have. I have been given the role of organising the catalogue; the design and distribution working with the team at Textbook to design the catalogue and website.
Because of Covid, this year we’ve been limited in what events we could do- most having to be online as we can’t have big in-person events currently. We also created an Instagram page to promote and keep updated on events and fundraising as well as introducing each person that is part of the catalogue.
The main fundraising events and ideas we have are:
An online print auction- split between photography prints, and art prints as two separate auctions.
An online raffle.
A GoFundMe page.
A Bounceathon (trampolining).
We collaboratively got in touch with different photographers (mainly ones that we’ve had as guest speakers) to ask for prints for the print auction fundraiser. This was a good way of practising networking and pitching to other people as I will need to know how to do this in future in order to get freelance work and also it’s a key skill to improve on over time.
This is a worthwhile experience and building of skills and working as part of a team effectively which are important skills to have as a professional and in a work environment.